Foreword by the Unite Nations Resident Coordinator a.i
On behalf of the UN Country Team (UNCT) in Kuwait, I am pleased to present the One UN Results Report
for the year 2022. This report contains a snapshot of the collective results of all UN agencies, funds and programmes operating in Kuwait and highlights how the UN in Kuwait is supporting the Government
and people of Kuwait to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2030 for
Sustainable Development in line with the country’s national development plan aspirations.
I would like to express my deep appreciation to the Government of Kuwait for its continued commitment
to continue offering solutions to stay on track to achieving the sustainable development goals. We thank our host government for their trust and partnership translated through a unique and strategic collaboration across various thematic areas ranging from education, women and girls, persons living with disabilities, health, partnerships, and climate action. I acknowledge the invaluable support of our development and humanitarian partners for the great collaboration in coordinating the response plan, notably.
Including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and
Development (GSSCPD), the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry
of Social Affairs, Public Authority for Manpower, Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, private sector and the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry, media, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local and international communities among others. Last year saw an increased engagement with
youth as drivers of change which was evidenced in the commemoration of the UN day with the theme of
Youth Driving Ambition for Climate Action.
As we turn our attention to 2023, we look forward to the opportunities and challenges and remain focused.
to work on the UN promise of Leaving No One Behind. We will continue working with all stakeholders and will continue working with all stakeholders and will strive to bring us all closer together, in solidarity, to
advance Kuwaiti’s national development agenda and the SDGs in the country.
Dr. Assad Hafeez
UN Resident Coordinator a.i