Kuwait Universal Design Code
Kuwait’s disability and accessibility legal framework
Section 5 of the Kuwait’s 2010 Disability Law is concerned with societal inclusion. It stipulates in articles 18-23 the need for inclusion in:
1) Sports, cultural and entertainment activities by providing accessible environments for PWDs, encouraging them to participate in sports;
2) Public buildings and facilities that are designed in line with Universal Design standards;
3) In public transport;
4) By access to news, cultural programs and parliamentary sessions through sign language as a measure by the Ministry of Information;
5) And by launching societal awareness programs for PWDs, ensuring all curricula (educational, religious, life, sports) meets their needs and creating a positive image of PWDs in media.
This document has been developed within the framework of the Project: “Achieving Kuwait 2035 Vision Towards Persons with Disability Project”. The project is supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Kuwait office, and implemented by the Public Authority for Disabled Affairs of Kuwait (PADA).
The Project seeks to achieve three outputs:
- Output 1.1: Enhanced human capacities and institutional effectiveness for prevention, early detection, diagnosis and rehabilitation of disabilities.
- Output 1.2: Co-ordinated and well organized efficient efforts towards removal of barriers to social, economic and educational inclusion of persons with disability.
- Output 1.3: Increased technical expertise and organizational capacities for implementation of Universal Design and country wide use of technology enablers.