23 October 2021 | 11:00am - 4:30pm
United Nations Day Exhibition "Youth4ClimateAction_q8"
United Nations Day Exhibition "Youth4ClimateAction_q8" and Live Sessions on Instagram

UN entities involved in this initiative
ILO, IOM, RCO, UN-Habitat, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, WHOSustainable Development Goals
Contact information
About the initiative
Join @uninkuwait in celebrating “Youth4ClimateAction_q8” ☘ to mark @unitednations Nations Day where agencies are shedding light on innovative youth initiatives in preserving the unique biodiversity & environment in #Kuwait.
🚨Stay tuned for more on our exclusive Exhibition hosted at the heart of the #UN House to showcase ideas, solutions & aspirations.
🔊On this occasion, the UN collaborated with the prominent Kuwaiti film maker @aliyounisali in producing a short video capturing the captivating beauty of the Kuwaiti environment, landscapes, biodiversity and wildlife.
A special thanks to @kuwaitelens & @spreadpassion
Keep an eye on our posters and videos when you visit key landmarks in Kuwait including Avenues and Hamra Tower. Kuwait will be lighted in blue in solidarity with the UN on including @kuwait.towers @boursakw @alhamratower @crystaltowerkw @moinformation @zainkuwait @the_avenues @grandcinemakuwait
We thank all our partners for their efforts in supporting #Youth4ClimateAction_q8
#Youth4ClimateAction_Q8 #SDGs #UNDayQ8
#الشباب_من_أجل_العمل_المناخي #أهداف_التنمية_المستدامة
@MOFAKuwait @moikuwait @kuwaitfund @theglobalgoals @unic.beirut @unitednations_arabic @unhcr_arabic @moh_media_office @epa_kw @kisrofficial @kfasinfo @kuwaitfund
Use this link: https://forms.gle/z2PjSSner2chGUrR7 if you wish to register - Deadline Thursday 21 October 2021 midnight