Young Ambassador Programme Season two - Climate Action:

A Youth Journey Towards Climate Action: Climate Diplomacy & Climate Justice
Climate diplomacy is of paramount importance for young leaders in today’s world. As the inheritors of a planet facing unprecedented environmental challenges, the ability to engage in effective climate diplomacy is a crucial skillset to empower young people to bridge divides, build consensus, and hold decision-makers accountable, ensuring that the global community takes bold, urgent action to combat climate change. In the face of a rapidly changing climate, young leaders must recognize and be equipped for the pivotal role they play in shaping the world’s response to this existential challenge, making climate diplomacy an indispensable tool in their arsenal for a sustainable future. Climate diplomacy holds a direct link to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 13 (SDG 13), which focuses on Climate Action and Climate Justice. Young leaders engaging in climate diplomacy are effectively championing SDG 13’s mission to combat climate change and its impacts and promoting Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. By advocating for international agreements, promoting sustainable practices, and holding nations accountable for their commitments, they contribute to the global efforts required to limit global warming and protect our planet.
Diplomatic missions and UN agencies in Kuwait are seeking to champion the climate leaders of tomorrow through a programme that enables young students to gain first-hand experience of climate diplomacy. Participants will shadow diplomats and participate in diplomatic and learning initiatives that provide them with invaluable hands-on experience in climate diplomacy, communications, leadership and how to promote behavioral change which is so integral to climate action. The programme aims to empower the next generation to become confident advocates for climate action by engaging withseasoned diplomats and experts, gaining insights into the complexities of international negotiations, the importance of multilateral cooperation, and the art of building alliances. This exposure will not only nurture their understanding of diplomatic processes but also equip them with the skills and networks necessary to influence climate policies and foster collaboration between different stakeholders. In doing so, young leaders in Kuwait can contribute significantly to the realization of SDG 13: a sustainable, climate-resilient future for all, which leaves no one behind.
Programme Components:
The Embassies of Canada and the UK, and The United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office invite interested Embassies to join the “Young Ambassador” initiative as a tangible contribution to highlight climate action and climate diplomacy in line with SDG 13. A collaboration with UN agencies, Embassies, and local partners, this programme will open doors for emerging leaders in Kuwait by providing a select group of high school students (female and male 15 to 18 years old) with mentoring and leadership development opportunities over a 5-month period (from November till 31st of March) through exposure to “real world” diplomacy, access to decisionmakers, and a platform to share their ideas and initiatives to promote climate action in Kuwait and beyond.
During this programme, each participant will:
- Become a “Young Ambassador”
- Participate in bi-monthly learning/ networking activities with all participants by an embassy, UN agency or partner organization on a particular climate theme (climate impacts, mitigation, adaptation, climate negotiations, loss and damage, climate finance etc..)
- Develop leadership skills and gain support tools, confidence and a platform to enable both female and male Young Ambassadors to be effective and collaborative champions of climate action.
Programme Timeframe:
- The initiative will be launched on social media and through a news release on October 24, 2023, to mark United Nations day. Applicants will have until November 13, 2023 to apply to the programme by submitting to a short video response(not more than 1 min) to a question set by the organizers. Young Ambassadors will be selected on the basis of their submissions and criteria that ensures a diverse and inclusive group of participants.
- The Young Ambassadors will then be matched with a participating embassy or international organization. Following a joint launch event at the UN House for all participants and partner embassies, each embassy can set its own agenda and plan to engage with the Young Ambassador. (For ease of reference and consistency, the organizers will share guidance with hosting entities to clarify expectations for engagement.), this will include six weekly mentoring sessions with host embassies/ organizations.
- In addition, there will be one to two networking/learning activities per month for all participants to be hosted by the UN or partner organizations on key climate action themes. The organizers can provide a sample programme or ideas for activities to embassies who would find these helpful. We suggest where possible activities are linked to International days/ weeks.
- Documentation through pictures and videos throughout the program is instrumental, in order to produce media material as we move along. Program and Timeframe: The program will end on March 31st, 2024